Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Sad as it sounds I’m still upset with this copycat this man Jone Nikula is doing to my work. I always thought that stealing other people’s work is so bad and stupid the same time but it doesn’t stop you thinking that these parasites because they got the money and the support of other parasites are the ones who survive in the end since you have to fight with every day’s small and big problems.

I feel sad and disappointed the same time. I don’t even know if it is worth going after him. I mean the man is a former judge from the Finnish idols. That’s all his credits and the money he did from that series and other similar pathetic series on Finnish television.

How sad. His only contribution to everything will be a copycat. Copycat of an English man in a copycat of an American TV show and copycat of a popular on line magazine which belongs to two foreigners. The words racism, prejudice and others have crossed my mind.


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